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Parallel Lives of Jesus - 6b Epilogue
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 6b Epilogue
by SPCK - Edward Adams
Epilogue The last two verses of chapter 20 probably constitute the original ending of John’s Gospel: chapter 21 seems to have been added later as an appendix. It recounts a further post-resurrection appearance by Jesus, in which he miraculously enables the disciples to make an ab
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 7 Selected Parallel Episodes
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 7 Selected Parallel Episodes
by SPCK - Edward Adams
Selected Parallel Episodes Having considered each Gospel separately, we now bring the “parallel lives” of Jesus into contact with each other as we look at selected common episodes. The exercise will allow us to explore the unity and plurality of the Gospels in a more focused way,
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 8 The Feeding of the Five Thousand
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 8 The Feeding of the Five Thousand
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Feeding of the Five Thousand The feeding of the five thousand is one of the most well-known of the miracles performed by Jesus and the only one that is recorded in all four Gospels.1 It is classed as a “nature miracle,” an action by which Jesus demonstrates his authority over
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